Government Women's Network (GWN) Logo

Government Women's Network (GWN)

Government Women’s Network (GWN) is an over-arching network for women's networks across public sector agencies.

We connect women’s networks across New Zealand and share information, resources, and events information. With an aim to inspire and empower public sector women to achieve their potential.

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About GWN

Women are the majority of the public sector but are a minority when it comes to progression and recognition.

Agencies want to be good employers. And they want to deliver their services in a diverse, inclusive and sustainable way. But they often don't know how or where to start. It isn't easy to move from the way things have always been done to the way they should be done, especially when baselines are shrinking.

GWN is working to achieve system-level change that will enable all women in the public sector to achieve their potential. Nothing less is going to create the wide, deep and sustainable shift right through the public sector that we believe is required.

Because the system-fix will take time, women may need help navigating their career pathways, pipelines and pitfalls right now. Colleagues, managers and agency groups are best placed to provide support.

How we can help

GWN can help public sector women to achieve their potential. We are positioned to be an agent for change and a collective voice. We partner with others to offer insights, skills and best practice.

You can find more information about GWN on our website. You can also find documents related to GWN's strategy, plan and outcomes framework on the GWN website resources page.


Network representatives

Anita Edwards | Ministry of Justice | Chair
Karyn Thompson | New Zealand Defence Force | Deputy Chair

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Kia ora and thank you for getting in touch.

We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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