Cross Agency Rainbow Network year in review

The Cross Agency Rainbow network (CARN) has enjoyed another busy and productive year.

8 months ago by , Cross Agency Rainbow Network

Just some of the things the network has achieved in 2023 include:

  • Delivery of the third bi-annual conference in Ōtautahi Christchurch
  • Published guidelines for Transitioning and Gender Affirmation in the NZ Public Service
  • Terms of Reference refresh and governance rōpū elections
  • Connected with senior leaders to promote the importance of ELNs
  • CARN 2023 Annual Report

All at CARN would also like to acknowledge the tireless mahi of both Theresa Peters and Luc Powell who are stepping down from their roles within the governance group. 

Theresa played a leading role in the formation of CARN and has served on the governance group since its inception in 2017. While stepping down from the Toihau-Takirua Co-Chair role, they will remain active as a Kaiarataki Mana Whakahaere General Governance member, so they can continue to share their experience and knowledge.

Luc joined CARN in 2020 and has served in both Toihau-Takirua Co-Chair and Kaiarataki Wheako Membership Experience Lead over their time. Luc can always be counted on to word things diplomatically and kindly. They are leaving Aotearoa for Brussels in 2024 and we wish them all the best with their adventures.

With change, comes opportunity, and we are very glad to see the level of interest people have shown in being involved in the goverance group. We would like to congratulate our Governance rōpū for 2024.


2024 Governance Rōpū

Toihau-Takirua Co-Chairs - Bridget Murdoch and Jen Wilde

Kaiarataki Pāpāho Communications Lead - Jaimee Matthews

Kaiarataki Pāhekoheko Intersectionality and Engagement Lead – Rāwiri Te Hurunui-Haumaha

Kaiarataki Wheako Membership Experience Lead – Lottie Borra

Kaiarataki Mana Whakahaere General Governance

  • Sunny Houston
  • Theresa Peters
  • Sophie Parker
  • Val Little
  • Hayley Goldthorpe
  • Nat Simon

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