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PAPSN hosts cross-agency hui for Asian ELN leads

22 months ago by , Farhat Shaikh

The Pan-Asian Public Sector Network hosted an inaugural cross-agency hui for Asian employee-led network leads from across the Public Sector.


The event aimed to strengthen inter-agency connections and encourage collaboration for the future. The hui was attended by nine government agency leads and online representation from the PAPSN Tamaki Makaurau chapter, who represented different heritages, identities, parts of New Zealand, and government roles. The diversity of the room was broad, which led to a rich and engaging conversation.

During the event, the group identified several key themes:

  • career progression
  • the need for increased representation in leadership positions
  • DEI strategic goals targeting Asian public servants
  • the importance of networking opportunities
  • peer support
  • fostering a sense of belonging

The attendees shared their own experiences and insights on how to address these issues. The conversation was productive, and it was evident that there are many individuals who share PAPSN's vision and are working towards the common goal of building an environment that supports good practices for progression and greater inclusion for Asian staff. The hui was a significant step forward in creating a platform for open dialogue and collaboration across agencies, and attendees left feeling energized and excited about the possibilities for the future.


PAPSN looks forward to continuing to lead these important conversations and build a stronger, more inclusive public sector for all.

If your agency's network, did not receive an invitation, you are welcome to reach out to PAPSN via email.

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