LauluMacLeauanae TKMportrait 2022 web 200h

Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae accepts Executive Sponsor position with We Enable Us

The cross-agency disability network farewells Debbie Power as new sponsor steps in.

13 months ago by , WEU and the ELN Team

The Executive Sponsor role is incredibly important to the success of a network. They champion ELNs at the senior leader level and provide strategic guidance and systems context for ELNs. They work with and alongside ELNs to help them realise their vision and achieve their goals.

We Enable Us would like to thank Debbie Power for her involvement with the network and are excited to bring Leauanae Mac for the next part of their journey. 


A message from Debbie, outgoing We Enable Us Executive Sponsor

Thank you very much for the privilege of being the We Enable Us staff network sponsor. I remember writing the foreword for the Strategic Plan back in 2020 – I can’t believe how fast the time has gone. I think there has been a great collective effort in focusing on the three ‘A’s: Accessibility, Awareness and Accommodation.

I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of Anne Hawker in getting this network off the ground.

"You’re in great hands with Mac, and I wish you all the best in achieving your goals for the year ahead. As we’ve said before, having an inclusive workforce is invaluable for the public sector."



Q & A with Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae

What brought you to a career in the Public Service?

The importance of service and the service of others in my Samoan culture and upbringing means that the Public Service is a natural fit for me. In the fa’aSamoa, there is an ‘alagaupu’ (proverb) which states that ‘o le ala i le pule o le tautua’ – the pathway to leadership is through service. A key driver for me and my career is the sense of service for others. Service is one of the key drivers that drew me to the Public Service.

What do you find most rewarding about your role as Chief Executive at the Ministry for Culture and Heritage?

The opportunity to steward Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage is a huge privilege for me. I reflect on the journey of my parents, new migrants from Samoa in the late 60’s, and then, as a son of Samoa, a son of the Pacific, to now lead a government department is very humbling. What I find the most rewarding is leveraging every opportunity to support, guide, fund and empower the cultural sector, to be a thriving sector. A thriving cultural sector will equate to a thriving Aotearoa. This is aligned with our vision, ki te puawai te ahurea, ka ora te iwi. The Culture is thriving, the people are well.

What excites you about taking on the role of the We Enable Us Disability Network’s Executive Sponsor?

I’m really excited to support the amazing leaders and the whole membership at “We Enable Us Disability Network” to ensure that the voices of our network are not only heard but are listened to and acted upon. I’m really looking forward to connecting on a regular basis with our network members and creating opportunities for engagement.

What's something surprising that you can share about yourself that the networks may not know?

One surprising thing about me is my love for the sport of cricket – I grew up playing Samoan ‘kilikiti’ cricket. My view is that the recent 20/20 cricket game is derived from Samoan kilikiti.


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