WOCPSN 26Sept resize

Women of Colour in the Public Service host key note and panel speakers at online webinar

The WOCPSN committee are still buzzing from the great conversations they had at October's event, Paving the way: Women of Colour in the Public Sector “Girls can do anything”.

10 days ago by , Women of Colour in the Public Sector Network

Thank you to our key note Vanisa Dhiru MNZM, and our panellists Alana Fasavalu (Pacific Public Servants Network), Sio Talakai-Alatini (Government Women’s Network) and Sheetal Samy (WOCPSN).

Key Takeaways

  • Acknowledge that structural issues exist that make it harder
  • Surround yourself with the people that will bring you forward
  • Back yourself and do it truthfully – know what you can and can’t do
  • Ask for help
  • Lean on your faith, values, and whānau
  • Focus on building meaningful relationships

When asked about how to build leadership skills and get involved in governance roles, Vanisa said just take the step and “flood the applications!” 

There were a couple of questions from webinar attendees requesting speakers to elaborate more on “backing yourself”. Our panellists agreed that backing yourself is a work in progress (even for them currently!). Here are their tips for combating self-doubt.

  • Be aware of your thoughts. Create a running list of wins you can refer to when you start thinking that you can’t do something, or that you don’t have all the skills required for the opportunity.
  • Remind yourself of your worth.
  • Take up opportunities to step out of your comfort zone. You may not do as well as you want to but have a growth mindset to learn.
  • Shift your thinking from “I am terrible at this” to “I am learning, and I will get better”.

Feedback from attendees

  • Empowered by today's speakers. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
  • Inspired, Excited to gain insight from the awesome speakers.
  • Love this messaging on how valuable all the different perspectives and backgrounds can be to build better futures, and the courage needed sometimes to share those perspectives. Because it is a moment of vulnerability. 
  • This is my first WOCPSN webinar and what an absolute treat to hear these inspiring stories and experiences that relates to me. This is a platform that's relevant to my generation and the next - as my daughter is also listening.

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