
CARN attend Wellington Pride Parade
Posted 5 months ago by , Jen Wilde

After a 4 year hiatus everyone was excited to get back in to celebrating love, identity, and inclusion!

Published research: Pacific Networks in the NZ Public Service
Posted 8 months ago by , The ELN Team

Published by Sage Journals this study examined Pacific networks in three NZ public service agencies, focusing on their goals and approach to influencing change and progressing equity.

Cross Agency Rainbow Network year in review
Posted 9 months ago by , Cross Agency Rainbow Network

The Cross Agency Rainbow network (CARN) has enjoyed another busy and productive year.

Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae accepts Executive Sponsor position with We Enable Us
Posted 11 months ago by , WEU and the ELN Team

We Enable Us thank Debbie Power for her involvement with the network and are excited to bring Leauanae Mac for the next part of their journey. 

Mahi tahi on the four-point disability plan
Posted 12 months ago by , WEU and the ELN Team

The four-point disability plan has been developed by Te Kawa Mataaho, with the support of Whaikaha, the Ministry for Social Development, and cross-agency ELN, We Enable Us (WEU).

Dame Sophie Pascoe: Dare to dream
Posted 12 months ago by , Carin Sundstedt

Dame Sophie Pascoe shared her passion for making the world more inclusive and diverse at this IPANZ event, with sponsorship from Westpac.

Prudence Walker appointed as the new Te Kaihautū Tika Hauātanga Disability Rights Commissioner
Posted 14 months ago by , Rawa Karetai Wood-Bodley
On behalf of We Enable Us, I would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on Prudence Walker's recent appointment as Te Kaihautū Tika Hauātanga Disability Rights Commissioner, entrusted with the…...
Disability Pride Month July 2023

Originating in the US in the 90's, Disability Pride Month is now celebrated around the world.

Introducing Tui Raumata
Posted 18 months ago by , The ELN Team

Tui Raumata is a cross-agency Employee-led Network governance rōpū set up and supported by Te Puna Huihuinga Kaimahi, the Employee-led Network Team hosted at Te Kawa Mataaho, The Public Service Commission.

PAPSN hosts cross-agency hui for Asian ELN leads
Posted 18 months ago by , Farhat Shaikh

The Pan-Asian Public Sector Network hosted an inaugural cross-agency hui for Asian employee-led network leads from across the Public Sector.

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